Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday December 10 - Wild Ass Sanctuary

Left the lodge at after cookies and coffee at the usual time of 7:00 AM. Another beautiful dawn, with temperatures in the mid sixties.

This was going to be relaxed morning since we were not on a mission to find anything just enjoy and whatever comes along the way.

We first went to check the hyena's den, just in case she was returning back from a night's hunting, but she was tucked way back in her den protecting her cub/cubs.

On the way we saw a gazillion flamingos sitting on the water body, probably for it to get warmer before taking flight.

We also saw a Laggar Falcon, a pair of short eared owl that were obviously too reluctant to be photographed, white stork, greater
White stork, and a greater spotted eagle.

On the way back a Blue Bull, mother and twin calves, took off as soon as approached, so unfortunately no photographs.

We also cam across the man with the huge lens that we had encountered at Gir forest, afternoons must be his thing, we always seem to see him on the afternoon safaris

Came back to the lodge, freshened up and went in for breakfast. They serve latte as is the norm, I love lattes but this place doesn't seem to put enough coffee in it, it tastes too "milky" to me.

After breakfast, went back freshened up, and made some cursory efforts to pack. Gave up pretty soon and went outside to sit and read until it was lunchtime.

Today we are the only guests for lunch for lunch so we had the luxury of odering whatever we wanted and they made it for us. The hospitality and flexibility of this place is beyond reproach - service with a smile is really there motto.

We had decided to skip the afternoon safari and get some rest and pack, so that's what we did. It was sad in way that our wildlife adventures were over for this trip but at the same time I was so tired of the food in Gujarat and was looking forward to some good old Bengali cooking.

There was a huge group of women who came in the afternoon and they were there for dinner, so no special requests at this meal.

Went back to the cottage, finished packing and retired for the night.

Location:Royal Safari Lodge.

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